The TUFCCC/HC Cancer Partnership provides a multidisciplinary environment rich in research, education and training opportunities and professional mentorship. The proposed Core capitalizes on the numerous strengths in training and research education across Temple University Fox Chase Cancer Center (TUFCCC) and Hunter College (HC) to facilitate the professional enrichment of students and junior investigators underrepresented in cancer research. The overall goals of the Planning and Evaluation Core for the TUFCCC/HC Regional Comprehensive Cancer Health Disparity Partnership are to evaluate the short-term and long-term process and outcomes for the overall Partnership and each Core; to assess funded and new research projects; and to provide recommendations to Partnership leadership to ensure the accomplishments of the overall goal of the Partnership. These goals will be achieved through successful implementation of the following specific aims by TUFCCC/HC Planning and Evaluation Core team. Dr. Zibalese Crawford is also affiliated with the Center for Asian Health.
Social Work