The Department of Nursing aims to be a leading force in community-engaged, collaborative efforts to achieve health equity and a quality of life for all, preparing a diverse nursing workforce who excel in leadership, practice, research and scholarship. We aspire to provide excellence in academic programming that is responsive to the health needs of individuals and populations, within the context of community, defined as a social and physical environment where living occurs. We are committed to the highest level of caregiving that is prevention-oriented and evidence-based and provided in collaboration with the community and other professionals and disciplines.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and doctor of nursing practice program at Temple University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (
Contact us
Jones Hall
Mailing: 3307 N. Broad St.
Physical: 1316 W. Ontario St.
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Phone: 215-707-4686
Fax: 215-707-1599
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