The Fatherhood Research and Practice Network (FRPN) has been funded by the DHHS Administration on Children and Families, Office of Policy, Research and Evaluation. The goals of the FRPN are to:
- Conduct and promote rigorous evaluation of fatherhood programs that serve low-income fathers. FRPN has funded evaluation research of programs that aim to increase paternal engagement and parenting skills; improve fathers’ ability to provide economic support; and increase parenting time, father-child contact, positive coparenting and healthy relationships
- Expand the number of researchers and practitioners collaborating to evaluate fatherhood programs through in-person and virtual trainings
- Disseminate information, including new evaluation findings, that leads to effective fatherhood practice and evaluation research
- Promote father inclusion in state-level programs and policies dealing with children and families
Jay Fagan
Social Work
The FRPN is co-directed by Jessica Pearson, Center for Policy Research.