The Biostatistics Core offers comprehensive statistical consultation and computational services to faculty, staff and students in the College of Public Health and throughout Temple University, as well as faculty and researchers in other institutions, agencies and companies. We can provide biostatistical as well as epidemiological expertise at all stages of research, including preparation of grants and contracts, assistance in analyzing and presenting research data, and statistical review of manuscripts in the publication process.
The Biostatistics Core has access to a broad range of computer hardware, software and personnel with expertise in using major statistical, epidemiological, graphics and data management packages. While our primary interest is in assuring appropriate use of statistical methodology in research, the Biostatistics Core offers a complete range of services from database development and implementation to production of publication-quality graphic and tabular material to support the presentation and publication of research results. Obtaining biostatistical advice early on in a project can often improve the chances of the study meeting its objectives.
What we do
Biostatistics Core members include Sezgin Ciftci, Levent Dumenci, Yanda Lang, Sarah M. Weinstein, Jingwei Wu, and Recai Yucel.
Members are available for discussion at all stages of research and provide:
- Analytic expertise and effort on collaborative research;
- Grant/contract preparation (including, but not limited to, power and sample size estimations, analytic plans to address specific aims and research questions);
- Data management;
- Data analysis and participation in publications; and
- Providing statistical review of scholarly products/activities.
The expertise of Biostatistics Core faculty includes the following:
- Observational data analysis
- Randomized clinical trials
- Longitudinal analysis
- Survival analysis
- Experimental data analysis – both group and individually randomized
- Quasi-experimental data analysis – including pragmatic trials
- Weighted/probabilistically sampled data analysis as well as sampling design
- Hierarchical/nested/clustered data analysis
- Semiparametric modeling
- Measurement development and testing
- Latent variable and structural equation modeling
- Mixture models
- Causal inference
- Mediation and moderation modeling
- Innovative research design and analysis
- Incomplete data analysis
- Analysis with measurement error
Funding for collaborative research projects is received by the Center primarily through three mechanisms:
- Direct support for faculty named on grants or contracts with NIH, other agencies, foundations, and industry who are included as Key Personnel/Co-Investigator;
- Direct support for faculty and staff providing services funded on start-up funds or department funds; and
- Fee-for-service billing for under-funded and unfunded internal projects and/or outside agreements.
Request services
To request services and have a Biostatistics Core member contact you, please complete our request form.