Jan 31
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Ritter Hall and Annex, Ritter Annex 992
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Dr. Levy works at the interface of epidemiology, ecology and statistics to understand and control vector-borne and other infectious diseases. For nearly two decades, he has focused his research on the control of urban Chagas disease transmission in Peru. His research team in Peru conducts epidemiological studies on Chagas disease as well as entomological and ecological research on disease vectors and reservoirs. In addition, his team uses quantitative and qualitative methods to elucidate the factors that have led to the urbanization of a disease traditionally associated with rural poverty. In the United States, Dr. Levy focuses on bed bugs and housing policy, work which has segued into studies on eviction, housing security and the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

Attend in-person in Ritter Annex 992 or connect via Zoom at noon on Jan. 31: https://temple.zoom.us/s/97764742393