Mar 04
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Overcoming the many misconceptions regarding weight loss surgery is a team effort. Yitka Graham's research tackles judgments of surgery (rooted in obesity stigma), the social aspects of surgery, and the potential consequences of judging bariatric surgery. This presentation will discuss the recent increase of misconceptions around weight loss surgery and examining the roles nursing and pharmacy can play in being supportive of people who choose to undergo procedures.

Professor Yitka Graham is the head of the Helen McArdle Nursing and Care Research Institute. Their work focuses on addressing health inequalities across the life course, aiming to understand the 'causes of the causes' of poor health and how to work together across organizations to reduce disparities. In addition, as a professor of health services research, her research focuses on the organization and delivery of services in health and care settings across the NHS, local authority, social care, and the voluntary sector. She has a specialist interest in developing nursing, midwifery and allied health professions research and leadership, both in the UK and internationally.

Connect via Zoom at noon (ET) on March 4: