Feb 23
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Coffee Talk events occur once a month throughout the semester and provide students with the opportunity to meet with experienced professionals to discuss some of the dynamic issues and developments occurring in public health careers.

Clear and effective communication is a critical component of public health leadership. In almost no other field do authors routinely deal with a complex range of factors that include age, gender, education, economics, race, sex, culture, medicine, genetics, individual behavior, family, community, and social justice. Furthermore, one of the conditions necessary for improving public health is clear communication among a wide array of stakeholders, including researchers, practitioners, health providers, administrators, policy-makers, journalists, educators, and communities.

During this virtual Coffee Talk session, you will learn more about scholarly writing, why it's so important, and how you can empower yours. All graduate and undergraduate students are welcome!

Register to receive the link to connecthttps://temple.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqc-ioqDosGNX6KkbucSk-B8kyhbYCCCcn#/registration