Susan Dickey has been a pediatric nurse for children (birth through late adolescence to young adulthood) for many years, including experience in the field of OB-Neonatal nursing (with a large, urban population of adolescent mothers) and also, their infants. Susan has provided pediatric nursing care to home care patients, bone marrow transplant and other oncology patients, many with chronic conditions such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, and countless other pediatric conditions of wellness and illness. She has provided direct nursing care, as well as having supervised several generations of student nurses in the clinical practice arena.
Susan believes that her most meaningful contributions to nursing include having served by appointment of the American Nurses' Association (ANA) Board of Directors to the ANA Advisory Committee on Ethics and Human Rights. The initial appointment began in 2000, with reappointment in 2004 for a second term. She served as the chairperson for this body from 2004 to 2006. Among the many position statements for which she either co-authored or collaborated, Susan believes that her finest contribution was as a co-author for the American Nurses' Association (2010) Position Statement Registered Nurses' Roles and Responsibilities in Providing Expert Care and Counseling at the End of Life (*see reference below). She provided the pediatric and adolescent perspectives for participation and decision-making in end-of-life care for those with known terminal illnesses or injuries. This document is a national standard of care.
*ANA sub-committee on End of Life Care of the Advisory Committee on Ethics and Human Rights (2010). Position Statement 1 Registered Nurses' Roles and Responsibilities in Providing 2 Expert Care and Counseling at the End of Life. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association. (Approved by the ANA Board of Directors June 14, 2010).
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania
- MSN, Nursing of Children, University of Pennsylvania
- BSN, University of Pennsylvania