Paul DiLorenzo is an independent consultant and child welfare subject matter expert with over 40 years of experience and certification with the Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW).
He is the executive director of the Salem Health and Wellness Foundation and a senior fellow at Child Welfare League of America. In addition, he serves as a subject matter expert for the Capacity Building Center for States, where he provides direct assistance to public and private agencies that are developing and implementing child abuse and family crisis prevention programs and supports the relationship-building between child welfare agencies and a wide array of community stakeholders.
DiLorenzo began his career as a caseworker and then served in various administrative and leadership roles. He led large nonprofit agencies and federal and state-funded projects as a consultant in multiple jurisdictions. He was the director of children's policy for the City of Philadelphia and the American Humane Association Children’s Division. He also worked in a senior administrative position for the Pennsylvania state government. Recently he served as the interim executive director of the Philadelphia Children's Alliance, the city's professional team, and coordinated processes for assisting children who've been sexually abused. He also completed a 13-year tenure at Casey Family Programs as a senior director for strategic consulting.
DiLorenzo has written numerous professional articles and has been a guest keynote speaker at many professional events across the country, mainly on primary prevention and family support. He has delivered countless presentations at conferences and workshops over the years and led nonprofit and philanthropic boards. DiLorenzo holds a master of social work from Temple University and a master of law and social policy from Bryn Mawr College.