Nancy Rothman

Nancy Rothman headshot

Nancy Rothman

  • College of Public Health

    • Nursing

      • Emerita


Nancy L. Rothman, MSN, EdD, RN, is professor emerita in the Department of Nursing, College of Public Health, Temple University. She taught in the BSN and DNP programs and represented the Department of Nursing, along with Dr. Mary Terhaar, on the Temple University Health System Executive Nurse Committee, toward building a recognized Academic Practice Partnership. Dr. Rothman was charged with reestablishing a Community Advisory Board and establishing an Executive Advisory Board for the Department of Nursing.  

Over her 25 years at Temple University, she worked toward reducing environmental exposures related to lead poisoning, asthma and safe and healthy homes and the establishment of nurse-managed models of care under the original National Nursing Center Consortium, including nurse-managed primary care and placing nurse practitioners in schools. She was a consultant on policy and quality for RL Health at Wood Services, Inc., as they have initiated a patient-centered medical home primary care practice to serve their adults and children with disabilities in residential care and move toward meeting the outcomes needed to be recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.

Dr. Rothman’s scholarship and research focused on identifying mutual areas of interest for the department’s new Academic Practice Partnership with Temple University Health System and testing interventions to improve primary care outcomes for children and adults with disabilities in residential care with RL Health. Two areas identified within the Academic Practice Partnership that were explored are: 1) increasing diversity in our BSN student population; and 2) supports for the 4th trimester of pregnancy, which would include depression screening, breastfeeding support and safe and healthy homes education.

Dr. Rothman served on the Community Engaged Research and Practice Executive Committee for the College of Public Health, Temple University and the Climate Change and Health Advisory Group of the City of Philadelphia. She served on the editorial board of the Social Innovation Journal and as manuscript reviewer for Environmental Health Perspectives, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; American Journal of Public Health, American Public Health Association; and Public Health Nursing. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau, the American Nurses Association and the American Public Health Association.