Jay Fagan

Jay Fagan headshot

Jay Fagan

  • College of Public Health

    • Social Work

      • Emeritus


Jay Fagan, PhD, is professor emeritus in the School of Social Work at Temple University and former co-director of the Fatherhood Research and Practice Network, funded by the Administration for Children and Families (Grant #90PR0006, OPRE). His research has focused on at-risk fathers (noncustodial, Head Start, adolescent fathers), coparenting in families in which mothers and fathers do not live together, family structure effects on young children, parent education and coparenting interventions for fathers, fathers and early childhood programs, fathering in the context of family processes, and the relationship between childcare and work-family balance among low-income women. He published the textbooks, New Research on Parenting Programs for Low-Income Fathers, with Dr. Jessica Pearson (Routledge, 2021); Fathers and Early Childhood Programs (Delmar Publishing, 2004), with Dr. Glen Palm, and Clinical and Educational Interventions with Fathers (Haworth Press, 2001), with Dr. Alan J. Hawkins. He has published more than 90 research papers on fathers in peer-reviewed journals. He was the founding editor of the journal, Fathering. He taught human behavior and social environment courses at Temple University.

Curriculum Vitae


  • PhD, Social Work, Columbia University
  • MSW, University of Pennsylvania
  • BA, Psychology, Trinity College