Gretchen Snethen

Profile Picture of Gretchen Snethen

Gretchen Snethen

  • College of Public Health

    • Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

      • Professor


Gretchen Snethen is an associate professor in the recreational therapy program within the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and the assistant director for the NIDILRR-funded Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion. Her professional experience consists of direct and managerial work with youth and adults with mental illness. Her research focuses on understanding the relationship between environmental factors and community participation; using the community to promote physical activity engagement; and developing interventions that use recreation and leisure as a means to promote independence in the community. In addition to her research, Gretchen remains connected to the recreational therapy profession through her leadership with the American Therapeutic Recreation Association Evidence-Based Practice Taskforce.


  • PhD, Leisure Behavior, Indiana University
  • MS, Recreational Therapy Administration, East Carolina University
  • BA, English, The University of Kansas

Courses Taught




RCTH 5204

Recreational Therapy and Assistive Technology


Selected Publications


  • Townley, G., Brusilovskiy, E., Klein, L., McCormick, B., Snethen, G., & Salzer, M.S. (2022). Community Mental Health Center Visits and Community Mobility of People with Serious Mental Illnesses: A Facilitator or Constraint? Community Ment Health J, 58(3), 420-428. United States. 10.1007/s10597-021-00821-w

  • McCormick, B.P., Brusilovskiy, E., Snethen, G., Klein, L., Townley, G., & Salzer, M.S. (2022). "Getting out of the house: The relationship of venturing into the community and neurocognition among adults with serious mental illness": Correction. Psychiatr Rehabil J, 45(1), 26. United States. 10.1037/prj0000491

  • Nagata, S., McCormick, B., Brusilovskiy, E., Zisman-Ilani, Y., Wilson, S., Snethen, G., Townley, G., & Salzer, M.S. (2021). Emotional states associated with being in the community and being with others among individuals with serious mental illnesses. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 91(1), 1-8. United States. 10.1037/ort0000516

  • Snethen, G., Jeffries, V., Thomas, E., & Salzer, M. (2021). Welcoming places: Perspectives of individuals with mental illnesses. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 91(1), 76-85. United States. 10.1037/ort0000519

  • Snethen, G., Brusilovskiy, E., McCormick, B.P., Hiremath, S.V., & Salzer, M.S. (2021). The Relationship between Community Participation and Physical Activity among Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses. Ment Health Phys Act, 20. England. 10.1016/j.mhpa.2021.100381

  • Nagata, S., McCormick, B., Brusilovskiy, E., Snethen, G., Townley, G., & Salzer, M.S. (2021). Depressive symptoms and community participation among individuals with serious mental illnesses. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 91(5), 598-606. United States. 10.1037/ort0000560

  • Brusilovskiy, E., Klein, L.A., Townley, G., Snethen, G., McCormick, B., Hiremath, S.V., & Salzer, M.S. (2020). Examining the relationship between community mobility and participation using GPS and self-report data. Soc Sci Med, 265, 113539. England. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113539

  • Thomas, E.C., Snethen, G., O'Shea, A., Suarez, J., Hurford, I., & Salzer, M.S. (2020). An Examination of the Community Participation Interests of Young Adults with Serious Mental Illnesses. J Behav Health Serv Res, 47(4), 526-543. United States. 10.1007/s11414-019-09678-0

  • Fortuna, K.L., Brusilovskiy, E., Snethen, G., Brooks, J.M., Townley, G., & Salzer, M.S. (2020). Loneliness and its association with physical health conditions and psychiatric hospitalizations in people with serious mental illness. Soc Work Ment Health, 18(5), 571-585. England. 10.1080/15332985.2020.1810197

  • Thomas, E.C., Snethen, G., & Salzer, M.S. (2020). Community participation factors and poor neurocognitive functioning among persons with schizophrenia. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 90(1), 90-97. United States. 10.1037/ort0000399